SEO Software / Long Tail Keyword Research Tool Review

A product device for Generating Thousands of Long-Tail Keywords.

Use Keyword Researcher to find high-esteem keywords from Google AutoComplete, Organize CSV records from the Google Keyword Planner, and compose SEO-Optimized Articles for your site.

Scanning for "Long Tail Keywords" just got much less demanding with "Keyword Researcher Pro!"

Have you ever thought about how to discover Long Tail Keywords for your site? When you utilize Google, you may see a little drop-down box that speaks to their endeavor to foresee what you're going to sort next.

For instance when I write the expression "How does a website..." then Google accept I may search for:

•    How does a site profit
•    How does a site work
•    How does a site discover my area
•    How does a site server work
•    how does a site help a business

These are some fascinating keywords...

Wouldn't it be awesome if there was an approach to spare all these keywords- - so we could add them to our site content?

Well that is the place Keyword Researcher comes in!

Keyword Researcher is a simple to-use Keyword Discover Tool. Once actuated, it copies a human utilizing Google Autocomplete, and over and again sorts a large number of inquiries into Google. Every time a fractional expression is entered, Google tries to anticipate what it supposes the entire expression may be. We basically spare this expectation. What's more, things being what they are, the point at which you do this for each letter of the letter set (A-Z), then you're left with several extraordinary Long Tail keyword phrases.

Do you have to Organize Keywords and Import CSV Files from the Google Keyword Planner?

Might you want to oversee keywords, and article content? Arranging a Web Content Strategy?

In the event that you have ever utilized the scandalous Google Keyword Planner, then you have to look at Keyword Researcher! Also, motivate prepared to say farewell to the monotony of physically controlling CSV records - in convoluted Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Our application was worked by Internet Marketers, for Internet Marketers.

It was composed (starting from the earliest stage) to be an in with no reservations one SEO arrangement - that permits you to oversee both your keywords and site articles.

•    Need to oversee a large number of keywords?

•    Need assistance composing SEO-Optimized site articles?

•    Want to compose a whole SEO site?

At that point read on, and motivate prepared to transform confounding keyword information into significant data.

As Internet Marketers, we as a whole comprehend the benefit of working with clear and succinct keyword information. On the off chance that you've ever done any SEO by any stretch of the imagination, then you're as of now acquainted with the Google Keyword Planner- - Google's astonishing keyword apparatus that releases loads of awesome keyword information. It's the "principal stop" for ANY online SEO promoting effort.

You've most likely downloaded CSV records from the Keyword Planner, and maybe worked with them in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

•    Perhaps you've attempted to isolate the great keywords from the terrible keywords.

•    Perhaps you've attempted to sort out your keywords into consistent gatherings.

•    Perhaps you've attempted to make SEO-improved records for your site, and observed that, crushing all these keywords into your articles can be somewhat dubious.

Furthermore, that is the place the issue begins!

For quite a long time, I invested hours doing manual Keyword Research with different keyword devices. This was gobbling up a considerable measure of important time! Attempting to sort, section, and understand a rundown of a thousand keywords takes until the end of time. Also, attempting to arrange this information into a succinct keyword research report that would sound good to a customer.

On the off chance that you've ever burned through five minutes attempting to sort keyword information in Microsoft Excel, then you know how troublesome working with huge keyword records can be!

Keyword Researcher can turn a rundown of a huge number of keywords, into a significant SEO Strategy. We planned it to make the whole SEO process stream easily - from keyword era, to substance distributed, and every one of the progressions in the middle. We've attempted to consider everything!

Keyword Researcher is allowed to experiment with! So tap the above download catch to get the free trial form today!

The 6 Foundational Steps of SEO

This is the place Search Engine Optimization starts.

Assemble Keyword CSV Files


Evacuate the Junk Keywords

Scan for the Good Keywords

Arrange the Good Keywords into Article Groups

Sort the Good Keywords into your Article

Distribute Your Content
Step 1: Gather Keyword CSV Files

In this progression, you begin by social occasion a cluster of CSV records from the scandalous Google Keyword Planner .

Presently here's the dubious part: These documents should be converged into only one record. Likewise, the same keyword may frequently seem various times in numerous CSV documents. So you'll have to evacuate the "copy keywords" as well.

With Keyword Researcher, this is simple. Basically drag the CSV records into the application, and the greater part of your keyword information is sorted for you. Copies are expelled. Also, the approaching keywords (that you have "boycotted" previously) will, obviously, be boycotted once more. So they won't meddle with your task.

Long Tail Marketing Strategy

What is "The Long Tail?"

So what is this "Long Tail" idea you continue catching wind of? All things considered, the expression "Long Tail" was instituted by Wired Magazine proofreader in-boss Chris Anderson and portrayed in his celebrated 2004 article of the same name. In this piece, Anderson portrayed how rising plans of action would come to welcome the significance of "smaller scale specialties"- - sub-markets of customers who were purportedly eager for periphery products and administrations. Such periphery bunches (when taken altogether) may really dwarf the portion of standard buyers seeking after the smash hit items.

This is an inquisitive disclosure. Since generally, such purchasers were frequently viewed as unimportant. There were never enough clients to warrant the expense of promoting to them, and creating the "nichey" products they covet. In any case, a few enterprises (specific those that produce "advanced merchandise") have discovered approaches to oblige such gatherings. Netflix is an oft touted case of a business that is effectively joining the Long Tail. As the quantity of motion pictures in Netflix's library developed from 4,500 to 18,000, the main 500 films in the library went from constituting more than 70% of interest, to under half of interest.

This measurement uncovers the diverse tastes of the normal moviegoer. At the point when taken altogether, the interest for the more dark movies coordinated the interest for the smash hits.

So a Long Tail Marketing arrangement commonly includes the distinguishing proof of an arrangement of littler markets on the edge of a bigger business sector. And afterward contriving a promoting methodology to inform an extensive collection of potential clients that such "elusive" items are entirely accessible.

How Internet Marketers utilize the Long Tail

In Internet Marketing and Web Content improvement, somebody who is said to go "after the Long Tail" is regularly one who has adjusted their on location content creation (and off-website backlink creation) methodologies, to join Long Tail keyword phrases.
Long Tail keywords versus typical keywords

So how would you know in case you're taking a gander at a Long Tail? SEO folks frequently erroneously utilize the expression "Long Tail Keyword" to allude to keyword phrases that are basically comprised of a few words. For instance, the expression "computerized camera" is looked for around 160,000 times each month. Yet, the expression "how to construct a camera dolly" just gets 58 looks for every month. The last expression looks longer than the previous expression. What's more, thus is frequently called a "Long Tail keyword." But the word length of the keyword expression itself is not the component that makes a keyword a "Long Tail keyword." Indeed, a shorter keyword expression, may likewise mirror a periphery specialty business sector, and henceforth, could likewise be viewed as a Long Tail keyword. The expression "Jerry Garcia ties," for instance, just comprises of three words. But then Garcia's band "The Grateful Dead" is ordinarily connected with periphery buyers.
Seek Volume

Web Marketers are at times put off from pursuing Long Tail keywords when they see their generally low hunt volume- - as reflected in the Google Keyword Planner. A Long Tail keyword will regularly mirror a unimportant twofold digit seek volume, and frequently, the keyword is not showed in Google's apparatus by any stretch of the imagination.

So what do you do when this happens?

What is the base measure of scans you'd go for?

1.    First, you should recollect that individual Long Tail keywords will have a lower relative inquiry volume by definition. But since of this, they are quite often connected with lower rivalry also. Consequently, however the measure of movement accumulated per keyword will be diminished, the measure of exertion expected to rank is likewise decreased.

2.    Second, review that when you seek after a procedure in which you focus on the Long Tail, you ordinarily never target only one keyword. Or maybe, you will pursue hundreds (or thousands) of "nichey" keyword phrases, with the expectation that, when taken in total, this mass of "periphery substance" will really acquire a comparable measure of movement to a more standard (and more aggressive) business sector interest.

3.    Third, we should likewise take note of that the database utilized by the Google Keyword Planner, is not the same as the one utilized by Google Autocomplete. The criteria for a keyword to enter the Google Autocomplete database is not known. Yet, whatever the quantity of hunts is, we realize that it is well above zero. Since, clearly Google can't put each keyword in the universe into their Autocomplete database.

So how low would it be a good idea for you to go?

What is the most reduced inquiry volume keyword you ought to go for? What is your own "insignificant hunt volume limit?"

The response to these inquiries is totally reliant on the particulars of your corner and your present site standing. On the off chance that you are genuinely mindful of the requirements of your objective demographic, then I think you can only "eyeball" a rundown of Long Tail keyword states, and figure out whether the expression will change over perusers and increase the value of your site, or not. In the event that you see a thought for an important bit of substance, the auxiliary hunts that may be gathered, go a long ways past what any keyword instrument can let you know.
SEO and Long Tail Content Optimization

When you have your keywords, what do you do with them? In case you're new to keyword-based substance creation, you might be utilized to just focusing on the two-word and three-word states that the Google Keyword Planner rushes to show you. In any case, Keyword Researcher clients may be astounded by the sheer volume of longish keyword phrases that the apparatus uncovers to you.

So where do you put all these keywords?

1. Keywords in Article Titles

A portion of the keywords you'll discover on Keyword Researcher, are entirely useful for complete article titles all by themselves. For instance, "question style" keywords like "how does a camera focal point work" can essentially be utilized as your article title verbatim. On the off chance that the keyword expression itself addresses an inquiry that you think your perusers can get esteem from, then, you may very well need to utilize it precisely how it is.

2. Keywords in Article Subtopics

So then we have different keywords which are not precisely finish sentences. Like the keyword "curved camera focal point." So for keywords like this, you more often than not wouldn't make an article title with simply those three words. In any case, on the off chance that you had a site that sold curved camera focal points, then, making a page that highlighted this keyword may be precisely what you'd do. Wikipedia, for instance, has an article on camera focal points and this expression shows up as only a subtopic of the essential "focal point" article. So a man could likewise consider utilizing this expression as simply a subtopic too.

3. Keywords in Incoming Anchor Text

So the third utilization of keywords is obviously in your off-site content- - as approaching stay content in your backlinks. One method in backlink content creation is to endeavor to fluctuate your approaching grapple content, with an end goal to make your backlink profile seem common. Some SEO's have faced off regarding regardless of whether the demonstration of utilizing the same keyword stay over and over, alarms Google to the thought that you are attempting to diversion their web crawler results page.

Likewise in civil argument is whether the demonstration of significantly shifting your grapple content has any advantageous impact by any stretch of the imagination. Practically, would a person who had a backlink profile that comprised of bunches of very shifted Long Tail Keywords, by one means or another be "more secure" than a person who simply paid his outsources to just point the keyword "pink advanced camera," at his site? You would expect so.

Be that as it may, in any case, in case you're attempting this system then, Keyword Researcher will give you parts and bunches of keyword varieties to use as grapple content.

By what means will you utilize

Keyword Researcher?

How about we list a couple ways you may

utilize the application in your business.

Follow shrouded Long Tails with lower rivalry.

Utilizing the great ol' free Google Keyword Planner is extraordinary. In any case, there is a substitute universe of Long Tail keyword phrases that live in Google's other database- - specifically, their "Autocomplete database." That's the database that is gotten to when you're writing questions into the Google look box (see that rundown of recommended keywords that pop up as you write?)

Long tail keywords are extraordinary in light of the fact that they permit you to create content that objectives expresses that your real clients are writing in, however that may not be excessively self-evident, making it impossible to your rivals.

Assemble A Gigantic List Of Keywords.

Keyword Researcher is intended to look the Autocomplete databases of Google, YouTube, and even That is a considerable measure of keyword sources! As you presumably know, in case you're building a power site, or on the off chance that you might want to end up a predominant player in your specialty, then beginning with a vast database of keywords (that your clients are really writing in) is an intense showcasing device.

Produce imaginative article thoughts.

Make article titles that are intelligent of what individuals in your industry are really scanning for. Thinking of novel substance thoughts for your site is sufficiently hard. Be that as it may, Keyword Researcher permits you to make article content about corner particular ideas - that exclusive a chosen few individuals on the planet are effectively scanning for.

Keyword Researcher permits you to sort in fractional article titles. What's more, Keyword Reseacher will endeavor to "fill in the clear" for you- - and let you know which phrases individuals are really hunting down.

Answer questions about your item or administration.

Wouldn't it be incredible on the off chance that you really knew the sorts of inquiries your potential clients were really inquiring? Imagine a scenario in which, rather than making content about your item haphazardly, you could answer questions in your corner in light of expressions that your potential clients were really writing into Google.

Well you're in good fortune, on the grounds that Keyword Researcher is incredible at revealing such "Long Tail question" style inquiries.

Gage market enthusiasm around another specialty.

Suppose you're thinking about beginning another site, or wandering into another item corner. What's more, assume you'd like to by one means or another decide the amount of hunt buzz is at present floating around this point. You can utilize Keyword Researcher to get a "vibe" for the amount of interest is really out there. For instance, suppose you were offering cameras. At that point you should think about the accompanying:

Are individuals making inquiries about this item?
  • Attempt this: How to * a camera
  • Is it accurate to say that this is item regularly matched with related items?
  • Attempt this: * for cameras
  • Is this item prevalent with a specific arrangement of clients.
  • Attempt this: cameras for *

Keyword Researcher will supplant the indicator with each letter of the letters in order, and give back 100's of keywords proposals.

Arrangement a Content Strategy with Keyword Researcher?

Transform sloppy keyword information into genuine, significant substance.

1. Import CSV records from the Google Keyword Planner.

Utilizing the great ol' free Google Keyword Planner is awesome. It delivers an un-finishing supply of extraordinary keywords- - from which you can make content on your site. Be that as it may, there's an issue. On the off chance that you've ever really sat down and attempted to orchestrate these CSV documents into a reasonable substance procedure, then it turns out to be clear quick how troublesome the errand is.

Keyword Researcher has been particularly intended to tame Google's CSV records for you. It eats up their information and showcases the merchandise carefully - in a clean, moderate interface that you'll discover simple to utilize.

2. Separate the great keywords from the awful keywords.

When you have a couple of thousand keywords on your plate, then choosing which ones you're going to seek after can be somewhat overwhelming.

Keyword Researcher has modern sorting, seeking, and order devices - all intended to help you get rid of the keywords you don't require, and deal with the keywords you'd like to target.

3. Allot your keywords to article bunches.

At last, your occupation in the making of on location content, basically comes down to doling out keywords to consistent gatherings. In SEO, we make content assets ("articles") out of these gatherings. What's more, these assets go about as the "bait" that attracts internet searcher guests to our site.

Keyword Researcher empowers you to make Categories, Articles, and Paragraphs. Doling out keywords has never been simpler - in light of the fact that you essentially drag the keyword over to the article bunch.

4. Make SEO-Optimized Web Content.

When you at long last know which keywords you'd like to use in your substance methodology, you have to really compose your article. In SEO, we "pepper in" our keywords into different areas in our article content.

Keyword Researcher inspects your substance while you write. Furthermore, the keywords themselves will change shading, taking into account on the off chance that they do, or don't, show up in the article content.

5. Send out your substance straightforwardly to WordPress.

Composing a group of articles for your site is sufficiently hard. All things considered distributed the substance (article-by-article) to your site can be a significant task.

Keyword Researcher has an inherent local WordPress XML exporter. Implying that you can import your articles directly into your WordPress database.

Chapter by chapter list
content system     What is a Content Strategy and why is it imperative?

find keywords     Finding Keywords in your substance.

pick keywords     Selecting the privilege keywords for your site.

keyword bunches     Plan a Content Strategy and Cluster your keywords.

make titles     Create your article titles

compose article     Write your article and utilize your keywords in the article content.

Content Strategy Basics

Make and convey keyword-enhanced substance.

1. What is a Content Strategy and why is it imperative?

On the off chance that you've ever thought about how Google can locate the best site page for your inquiry question, the short answer is this:

They think about the words you write, with the words that show up in their database of the considerable number of sites of the Internet.

Essentially, Google has downloaded the content of verging on each site on the planet. What's more, they have composed these sentences into a substantial database. In this way, when you look Google, their PCs slither through this database and get the URLs of the sites that contain your pursuit words.

This is, obviously, an excessively shortsighted rundown of what's truly going on. Internet searchers are substantially more complex nowadays, and the minor nearness of the word on the website page is one and only figure deciding hunt rank.

Still, you can see why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is considered so important. Since, at all, a site page that does not contain the client's keywords, is more averse to really be about the client's keywords.

So when we allude to the making of a "Substance Strategy," this normally involves the advancement of a gathering of keyword-enhanced data articles.

To start with, the SEO fellow (now and then bombastically called the "Substance Strategist") will analyze an assemblage of keyword information, and select the keywords which he feels are helpful for the showcasing of the item that the site takes into account.

At that point, a considerable measure of time, cash, and exertion are credited to "Substance Writers" ("Content Developers") who make articles that fulfill (or halfway fulfill) the soul of the client's hunt inquiry.

Such substance is made for several reasons:

In an item based web plan of action (e.g. an organization offering child toys or video courses), the webpage proprietor trusts that a guest will fortunately unearth his site, and, will be so inspired by the pictures, video, or substance that he will at last turn into a paying client.

In a promoting web plan of action (e.g. a magazine or web journal), the webpage proprietor would like to pull in however many guests as could be expected under the circumstances to his site. Since he realizes that some rate of these guests will see a commercial or (far and away superior) click on an advertisement. The more snaps our site proprietor gets, the more cash he makes.

2. Discovering Keywords

Of foundational significance in the production of a substance system is the era of rundown of keywords that individuals are really hunting down on the web. This more often than not implies beginning your adventure at the scandalous Google Keyword Planner and writing different "seed keywords" into its pursuit box.

In case you're not acquainted with the Google Keyword Planner, it's a web interface (claimed by Google obviously) that permits you to download a collection of keyword information (as CSV documents). These documents contain an abundance of imperative data like:

The Keyword Search Volume (The quantity of times the keyword is questioned every month)

The Keyword Cost-Per-Click (The surmised sum that an Adwords distributer is paying- - when his advertisement is shown for this keyword.

So you can see why this data if important. Since, on account of the Google Keyword Planner, we can really see:

What sorts items or administrations individuals are looking for

The precise stating that individuals are utilizing to scan for items or administrations

Also, what number of individuals are scanning for these items or administrations

Working with a huge group of CSV records from the Google Keyword Planner can be dubious. What's more, that is the reason Keyword Researcher was designed. It takes in this incredible keyword information, and solidifies it into workable database.

3. Selecting the privilege keywords for your site.

So how would you know which keywords to utilize?

sort out keywords into classifications

Try not to get diverted by an excessive number of keywords.

This is a standout amongst the most troublesome inquiries in SEO. Furthermore, the answer is distinctive for each plan of action.

Basically, you ought to utilize keywords on your site that are helpful for the advertising of your item or administration. At last, the keyword-determination assignment is much less demanding on the off chance that you have a profound comprehension of your objective demographic- - preceding steadily taking a seat to take a gander at a keyword spreadsheet.

In any case, once you've assembled all your keywords together, it is some of the time best to attempt to "place yourself in the shoes" of the individual who has quite recently written this expression into Google.

You may begin by asking yourself:

Does the item or administration I offer take care of this present individual's issue?

Am I the response to this current individual's inquiry?

Do I for one know how to answer this current client's inquiry?

Could I discover what this client is searching for, in view of the keyword expression itself?

Could I make content for this question will leave the client fulfilled that they have finished their pursuit effectively?

Do I have involvement with individuals posing this question?

There is, obviously, no impeccable algorithmic technique for choosing which keywords you will at last focus in your web content. So in case you're simply beginning in your Search Engine Marketing endeavors, you might need to begin little. Basically pick twelve keywords and make a couple articles that really take into account the searcher's needs.

4. Arrangement a Content Strategy and Cluster your keywords.

After you've picked a cluster of keywords to focus on, it's a great opportunity to relegate these keywords into unmistakable article bunches.

arrange keywords into classes

Arrange your keywords into substance article bunches.

Regularly, a couple keywords will pop out at you, and you'll see that they are sufficiently comparative, such that they'd fit pleasantly together into the same article.

Consider, for instance, the accompanying rundown of keyword expressions:
  • step by step instructions to compose keywords
  • arrange keywords for a site
  • mastermind site keywords
  • keyword association
  • Keyword Researcher programming

Presently it ought to be entirely clear that such keywords ought to be grouped together and set into one article. (In particular, the article you're perusing at this moment.)

There wouldn't be much utility in cracking this little keyword bunch into five individual articles! Or maybe, it is to my greatest advantage to just ensure I cover "the letter and the soul" of these five keyword phrases on this one site page.

The keywords in the above case are quite simple. Be that as it may, the subjective and complex nature of Content Strategy Planning gets to be clear when the keyword expressions are more vague.

Take for instance the expression "web content written work." Now at first look, it might create the impression that my website page may fulfill the business goal of this searcher. Peopling compose web substance is precisely what Keyword Researcher does!

However, in the event that we delve into this expression more, we'd presumably find that the larger part of individuals who sort in this expression are looking to either:
  1. employ a web content essayist
  2. land a position as a web content essayist

on the other hand to just take in more about web content composition itself

It is far-fetched that the greater part of these searchers would be occupied with really obtaining Keyword Researcher right now.

Henceforth, it would not be to my greatest advantage to effectively seek after the keyword expression ("web content written work") in my on location and off-webpage content promoting endeavors.

It would be considerably more gainful for me to edge the substance of this website page toward keywords that are more intelligent of a man who is effectively looking for a keyword association application.

Regardless, this is the point of view you should proceed with each keyword you decide for your site. In case you're acquainted with your objective business sector, then this undertaking as a rule goes truly brisk. You ought to have the capacity to look at most keywords, and choose (in two or three seconds) if the keyword is (or is not) helpful for the showcasing of your item.

When this a player in the substance arranging procedure is done, the greater part of your keywords will be masterminded in decent little bunches (once in a while called "Keyword Groups"). And afterward it's a great opportunity to begin thinking about some article titles.

5. Make your article titles

Each web record is in fact simply that- - a report. And all reports require a title.

So your next errand is to make a one of a kind title for your web report. This is an essential stride, on the grounds that the report's title sets the topic for the total of the substance. Furthermore, is the most imperative single SEO component on the page.

As you look at any given keyword bunch, you'll see that they regularly loan themselves to the making of a somewhat evident title. Consider this gathering:
  • low carb nibble nourishments
  • best low carb snacks
  • no carb snacks
  • low carb nibble formulas

Immediately, we can see that will utilize the words "low carb nibble" in our article some place. What's more, this is the point where you're copywriting abilities become possibly the most important factor. We'll have to make a title that typifies the greater part of our objective keywords, but then likewise has a charming ring to it.

Making a mentally charming title is critical - in light of the fact that web crawlers will rank our archive (to some degree) taking into account what number of snaps the title is getting- - in respect to different articles on Google's Search Results Page (SERP). Thus, a title that has some complex panache, will (in principle) at last rank higher than a title that doesn't have anything eye-getting about it.

Along these lines, rather than simply titling our archive "Low Carb Snacks," we may take a stab at something like this:

"10 of the Best Low-Carb Snacks that you can make in 10 Minutes!"

6. Compose your article and utilize your keywords in the article content.

 Since your keywords are orchestrated in consistent gatherings, and every gathering has an interesting article title, it's the ideal opportunity for the crucial step... You need to really compose something.

It is anything but difficult to let the keyword information ruin the exploratory writing process. So be careful about this. Keywords can be extremely diverting and you would prefer not to give this information a chance to block your written work endeavors.

So let the keywords just go about as the locus for your article topic. Just coolly look at your keywords before composing. And after that art your articles into a helpful web content article. An article that you know will be valuable to your objective demographic.

At that point, once the written work procedure is nearing finishing, that is the point at which you haul out your keywords. What's more, you precisely "pepper in" your keyword phrases into your article content. This generally included just supplanting an incidental word, or including extra headings between passages.

use keywords in your article content

Pepper your keywords into your article content.

It's anything but difficult to discern whether all your keywords are reflected in your article content with Keyword Researcher. Since, as you write your substance into the Keyword Researcher article content tool, the article's related keywords will change shading.

The shading green implies that the entire keyword is in the article.

The shading orange implies that parts of the keyword expression are in the article.

The shading dark implies that the keyword expression hasn't been utilized as a part of the article yet.

So you can perceive how this is especially helpful when making article content. Since Keyword Researcher is continually watching your archive while you write, and it outwardly delineates your keyword's area in the article content. So it's a key device in case you're in the matter of making SEO-upgraded (keyword-rich) records.
SEO Software / Long Tail Keyword Research Tool Review SEO Software / Long Tail Keyword Research Tool Review Reviewed by bb on 12:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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